Herbst Kinsky advised her long-standing client presono GmbH in connection with a media deal with Seven Ventures Austria, a VC company of the ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4 Group. The deal volume includes media presence with a value of up to EUR 2 mio, in return Seven Ventures will receive investment options in presono.

The Linz-based startup presono has already revolutionized the corporate world with the concept of intuitive and quickly designed presentations and now wants to win the private market for itself.

We are pleased that we could support presono in this Media for Equity deal. With this deal, presono has the opportunity to increase its media presence, which will certainly make an important contribution to the further growth of the company“, so Florian Steinhart, Partner at Herbst Kinsky.

The Herbst Kinsky team was led by partner Florian Steinhart (Corporate M&A, Venture Capital) with the support of Felix Kernbichler (Corporate M&A, Venture Capital).